Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tips to declutter your kitchen

Many complain to me about the never-ending load of dishes in the sink, on the counter, in the fridge- waiting to be emptied and washed.

Three simple tips to follow to start over from scratch, and to prevent the cluttering of dishes:

  • Wash all the dishes in your sink or on your counter tops at three different times of the day: the morning after kids drop off, consisting of breakfast dishes and dinner prep dishes.
  • Mid-afternoon time- around 2 or 3, from any pile-up of cups, plates, sippy-cups or the like
  • At night at around 8 p.m., or after your kids are in bed- but not too late, consisting of dinner dishes and any late-night snack cups or plates that may have piled up.
DO NOT go to sleep with any dishes needing to be washed. The idea is that at the end of the day, it will be like the day did not happen at all- with a clean sink, and clear counter-tops.

Good Luck. let me know how it goes!