Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cleaning from one room to the other

Tired of the mess that never gets completely cleaned up?

Try this:
  • Take an empty laundry basket and get started in the largest room of the house.
  • Throw anything that does not belong in that room in the basket.
  • Move to the next room and do an exchange. Take stuff from the basket and put it in the room if it belongs there and put items in the basket from that room that do not belong there.
  • Keep going like this around the house, you will find that everything DOES have a place.
Good Luck!!


  1. i find this to be a great idea i would defenetly try to apply it.

  2. SAHM, it really works!!!
    Naami thanks!

  3. ok so far when i did it it worked THANK YOU SO MUCH for this great idea after just 15 min my whole house war totally organized and it gave me the push to just keep that way! so far so good! :)
