Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Never Ending Pile of Winter Accessories

For us on the East Coast, winter means 10 degree mornings and lots of snow, sleet and hail.

It also means tons of gloves, scarves, mittens and boots!

For those with young children, getting bins for each child will:

  • Keep all items organized, leading to no lost mittens etc.
  • Allow for headache-free mornings because all items will be ready for grabbing and wearing
Now is the time to get organized, before the real cold sets in.
Go to your local target or walmart and grab decent size bins for every member of the family.

If your house allows it, an actual piece of furniture with room for bins can be purchased.

If possible, put their names on the front, or have them color a picture and glue it on their bin. Let your children know that you expect for no lost winter accessories this winter!

Good Luck!

Let me know how it goes!